LapisLazuli-Pendant1 Collection "Pure" Jewelrydesign

LapisLazuli-Pendant1 (Collection „Pure“)

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LapisLazuli-Pendant1 (Collection „Pure“)


Lapis Lazuli in Silverwire

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LapisLazuli-Pendant1 – Collection „Pure“

This pendant has a wonderful dark blue lapis lazuli with pyrite inclusions as the main stone! The pendant has the dimensions: 3.5 x 1.4 cm (1.38 x 0.55 „). LapisLazuli-Pendant1, Collection „Pure“, jewelrydesign, silver jewelry made by SunayLaLuna.

The setting consists of a combination of 925 sterling- and 999 finesilverwire. I use finesilver for the thicker base wires, as it is easier to bend and stays in position without „popping up“ again, and sterlingsilver for the fine weaving wires!

DECORATE yourself with the power of stones!

Here I have listed the possible effects for this LapisLazuli-pendant for those of you to whom the effect of the healing stones in semipreciousstonejewelry is important.

Possible effects of the Lapis Lazuli:

I know the Lapis Lazuli as a stone of friendship that brings you the true friends and makes the false friends disappear from your life!

For Michael Gienger, the lapis lazuli stands for truth on the spiritual level, for sincerity, dignity, sociability and friendship on the subconscious level and for support in telling and accepting the truth on the mental level.

About silver:

The processing of silver into jewelry can be traced back to the 4th millennium BC. After gold, silver was the most sought-after protective and decorative metal and it had a permanent place in almost all cultures.

The „Great Lexicon of Healing Stones, Fragrances and Herbs“ states that silver can be used very well as a transformer between precious and healing stones in our body. That on the one hand it transforms the gentle vibrations of weak healing stones into powerful vibrations and on the other hand it soothes the powerful vibrations of strong stones.

It is also noted that silver gives inner balance and peace of mind. And that with weaker or more reserved people, their self-confidence and self-realization are strengthened through silver.

I myself noticed that we humans have „silver types“ on the one hand and „copper types“ on the other! The silver types are more „light“, „airy“ people, whereas the copper types are more „darker“, „earthier“ people.

SunayLaLuna – LapisLazuli-Pendant1 – Jewelrydesign – Collection „Pure“


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